Monday 16 May 2016

ON (Optimum Nutrition) Performance Whey - Post Workout

Can be used as post workout (Best result- if taken within 15 min. after workout)

The ON (Optimum Nutrition) Performance Whey offers the purest form of whey protein isolates that are low in fat and high in protein, which is essential for muscle formation. Containing all the nine essential amino acids, this supplement not only ensures muscle building, but also allows easy repair and maintenance of damaged muscle tissue. So go ahead and get your pack of the ON (Optimum Nutrition) Performance Whey today for a body that attracts attention wherever you go.

ON (Optimum Nutrition) Performance Whey is a great supplement. It can be consumed before workout sessions to offer high energy to sustain through the demanding session or you can consume it after the training to compensate the lost energy and help your muscles recover fast.

Suitable and especially designed for active adults, the ON (Optimum Nutrition) Performance Whey is an all-whey supplement. It offers a wholesome, all-in-one solution that works both as a pre-workout as well as post-workout drink. This adds to the versatility of this mix that comes with ultra-filtered composition for easy digestion and better absorption. This easy and fast-mix formulation makes delicious shakes and shots that lend prolonged energy to last through your intense workout sessions.

Product Details:
  • Offers high energy for heavy workout
  • Can be easily digested and absorbed
  • Helps in building muscles


How to use?

The best results can be seen when Whey protein is consumed in the morning, after a workout. If you exercise regularly, it may be best to consume a Whey protein shake immediately following a workout. A report published by the National Strength and Conditioning Association recommends consuming at least 15g of protein after each workout.

Your body is highly sensitive to insulin after exercise and shuttles carbohydrates and proteins into muscle cells instead of fat cells. This sensitivity declines post-workout until ~2 hours at which point it reaches baseline.

Whey - Concentrate vs. Isolate

When we talk about whey we are actually referring to a complex protein made up of many smaller protein subfractions such as beta-lactoglobulin, alpha-lactalbumin, immunoglobulins (IgGs), glycomacropeptides, bovine serum albumin (BSA) and minor peptides such as lactoperoxidases, lysozyme and lactoferrin. Each of the sub fractions found in whey has its own unique biological properties.

Whey is the liquid portion of the milk - a major component that separates from the curds during the process of making cheese. It contains proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals and is strong in amino acid. Due to its strong amino acid profile and ease of absorption, it is arguably the most popular sports nutrition supplement. Whey protein has been shown to augment muscle protein synthesis, support fat burning, boost the immune system, improve insulin sensitivity, and decrease appetite. Additionally, whey concentrate is shown to boost production of glutathione, the body’s master antioxidant.

Whey protein exists in three main forms: isolate, concentrate, and hydrolysate (where whey isolate undergoes additional processing.). This article will focus on the differences between whey protein concentrate and isolate. Both forms contain whey protein, but whey isolate, which is made from whey concentrate, undergoes further processing which yields an end product with more protein per unit than whey concentrate. This processing results in a product that differs from whey concentrate in several important ways.

As whey concentrate is further processed and purified into whey protein isolate, these can degraded and lose their biologic activity. You should note, however, that the amino acid sequences do not change when protein is denatured, and whether a protein is denatured during processing does not affect its muscle-building qualities. All large proteins are broken down during digestion into smaller protein chains and individual amino acids (denatured), and whether this process occurs in the gut or in the manufacturing plant is irrelevant to the muscle fibers getting these proteins.

However, since denaturing can affect the biologic activity of certain peptides, whey concentrate has a theoretical health advantage over isolate. That being said, depending on the process used, whey isolate may still have significant amounts of bio active peptides. Ion-exchange is a purification process that, while producing the highest concentration of protein, essentially eliminates all bioactive compounds. Micro-filtration techniques, such as Cross Flow Micro filtration, are a more expensive procedure but yield a whey isolate with more intact bio active peptides. Hydrolyzed whey isolate is whey isolate that has been further broken down, yielding small peptides that are rapidly absorbed into the blood stream. Again, though, this extra processing comes at the cost of destruction of health promoting substances.

Over the past few decades, whey protein powders have evolved several generations from low-grade concentrates to very high-grade concentrates and isolates.

Why Whey?

Whey protein has become a staple supplement for most body builders and other athletes because it's a great protein. Whey has more recently caught on with the anti aging /longevity minded groups also for its effects on immunity.

A growing number of studies has found whey may potentially reduce cancer rates, combat HIV, improve immunity, reduce stress and lower cortisol, increase brain serotonin levels, improve liver function in those suffering from certain forms of hepatitis, reduce blood pressure, and improve performance, to name a few of its potential medical and sports related applications.
Whey also has an exceptionally high biological value rating (though sellers of whey make FAR too big a deal of that fact) and an exceptionally high BCAA content.

One of whey's major effects is its apparent ability to raise glutathione (GSH). The importance of GSH for the proper function of the immune system cannot be overstated. GSH is arguably the most important water-soluble antioxidant found in the body.

Whey: Then and Now

First generation whey protein powders contained as low as 30-40% protein and contained high amounts of lactose, fat, and undenatured proteins. They were considered a "concentrate" and were used mostly by the food industry for baking and other uses.

Modern concentrates now contain as high as 70-80% plus protein with reduced amounts of lactose and fat. Many people are under the impression that a WPC is inherently inferior to an isolate. This is simply untrue.

Though WPCs will contain less protein on a gram for gram basis than an isolate, a high quality WPC contains all sorts of interesting compounds not found in the isolates.

Good concentrates contain far higher levels of growth factors, such as IGF-1, TGF-1, and TGF-2. They contain much higher levels of various phospholipids, and various bioactive lipids, such as conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), and they often contain higher levels of immunoglobulins and lactoferrin.

MuscleTech Phase 8 - Post workout

Can be used as post workout (Best result- if taken within 15 min. after workout)

The MuscleTech Phase 8 is a high-quality protein supplement containing components that have the ability to release amino acids in your bloodstream till 8 hours of intake. This protein works on a sustained release formula, which makes it highly anabolic and anti-catabolic, helping to form a muscle-building environment for a long duration. You can have this delicious supplement anytime you wish and feel energetic all day, as it keeps your muscles well fed. This makes you free to workout at any time you desire and achieve effective results. 

Each scoop of this supplement provides you a proper blend of proteins, which keeps your muscles strong and when you work out, you feel the power to hit the gym hard. This MuscleTech Phase 8 supplement contains a superior, clean and macronutrient profile with very less quantity of carbohydrates and fats to keep you well-nourished for 8 hours after taking it. It has all the essential milk-derived proteins that are designed to digest at different rates to provide proper repair and recovery to your muscles. They provide proper fuel to your muscles so that you can hit the gym hard with a strong performance. For all those who do not have a particular workout time can be greatly benefited by taking this delicious supplement as it provides a sustained release of amino acids and enables you avail its benefits. 

Product Detail:
  • Energise your body during your workout session
  • Provides repair and recovery of your muscles
  • Enhances your workout performance

Available in:

  • Milk Chocolate
  • Vanilla

How to use:

The best results can be seen when Whey protein is consumed in the morning, after a workout. If you exercise regularly, it may be best to consume a Whey protein shake immediately following a workout. A report published by the National Strength and Conditioning Association recommends consuming at least 15g of protein after each workout.

Your body is highly sensitive to insulin after exercise and shuttles carbohydrates and proteins into muscle cells instead of fat cells. This sensitivity declines post-workout until ~2 hours at which point it reaches baseline.

Furthermore, the anabolic effects of insulin are synergistic with amino acids. Given the rapid absorption of whey, it is an ideal choice for post-workout to take advantage of the insulin-amino acid synergistic effect.

Consult your doctor:

Always make sure to read the supplement label carefully before use. It’s also important to talk to your doctor before starting any new supplement or diet program.

User's review:

  • Its a complete protein. If you want to gain muscle size than its for you. I am using this now. My arm size was 11 in June 2013 and now its 15.
  • Has been using this product since 3 months. Results are mind blowing. This product has the best profile of all brands compared to ON Gold Standard and UN Prostar 100% Whey. 26g of ultra pure Whey protein with 8 hrs muscle feed.

Sunday 15 May 2016

MuscleBlaze PRO7 Protein Blend

Can be used as post workout (Best result- if taken within 15 min after workout)

MuscleBlaze Pro7 is a premium-quality blend of 7 proteins to provide appropriate nourishment to your muscles. Enriched with essential vitamins and minerals, MuscleBlaze Pro7 helps nourish your muscles for 8 long hours, fulfilling your daily protein needs. The vitamins and minerals help fight fatigue, boost  energy level and enhance your body’s immune strength.

The continuous protein supply by MuscleBlaze Pro7 is instrumental in reducing  the breakdown of muscles and thus prevents loss of muscle protein. It also enhances the immunity level of your body and helps increase the body’s ability to fight against diseases naturally. With a perfect dose of protein in its each serving, MuscleBlaze Pro7 helps you achieve a desired muscular physique.

MuscleBlaze Pro7 works by offering a sustained release of proteins that helps you get lean. The protein blend includes  immediate-release proteins - whey protein isolate and hydrolysed whey protein. They provide instant energy to your body, helping you perform heavy workouts with ease and gain lean muscles.

Fast-release proteins in MuscleBlaze Pro7 like whey protein concentrate and soy protein isolate help nourish your muscles. and assist in the building of lean muscles to attain a healthy body weight and a muscular body. Then, the medium-release protein - milk protein, and slow-release protein - calcium caseinate, work. They help in preventing muscle breakdown. Lastly, a sustained-release protein - micellar casein, is delivered to your muscles, which is effective when your body is without food for long hours. It aids in maintaining your hard-earned muscles and get a lean physique that you always wanted.

Product details:
  • MuscleBlaze Pro7 is a blend of 7 premium proteins that helps nourish muscles for 8 hours
  • Each serving of MuscleBlaze Pro7 offers 24g protein to fulfill daily protein needs
  • Sustained release protein formula of MuscleBlaze Pro7 never lets you stay protein hungry
  • Enriched with 7 essential vitamins and minerals MuscleBlaze Pro7 helps enhance energy & immunity

Ingredient chart:

MuscleTech Mass Tech Performance Series

Can be used as post workout (Best result- if taken within 15 min after workout)

MuscleTech Mass-Tech is a supplement manufactured by the sports nutrition company MuscleTech. This product is intended to help you gain weight when used along with a resistance training program. Mass-Tech is high in calories and protein, so it may help you achieve muscle growth. However, some of the ingredients in Mass-Tech may cause unwanted side effects. You should consult your doctor before using Mass-Tech, or any other dietary supplements.

Mass-Tech Performance Series is a high-protein bodybuilding supplement recommended mainly for hard trainers, body builders and fitness enthusiasts. This supplement minimises muscle catabolism by intensifying energy required for building up your muscles. It is formulated with amino acids that enhance easy flow of blood into your muscles. 

This supplement thus helps in enrichment and nourishment of your muscle mass. This supplement provides slow-digesting amino acids, which show time-controlled effects for prolonged supply of amino acids to the muscles.  Further, it reduces muscle fatigue and soreness post workout. Also, this supplement contains digestive enzymes that support better digestion.

MuscleTech Mass-Tech Performance Series provides you essential BCAAs, like Leucine, which helps preserve skeletal muscles and muscle glycogen stores. This supplement also prevents the breakdown of muscle protein. So consume this supplement to enhance your stamina, accelerate your recuperation and recover ruptured muscles after workout sessions. 

Product Details:
  • Increases the blood flow to muscles
  • Reduces fatigue and muscle soreness after after workouts
  • Prevents breakdown of muscle protein
  • Provides enhanced energy to the body

Weight gainers can be used as a meal replacement or a post-workout recovery shakes. Weight gainers are ideal to replace 1-2 meals in the 5-6 meal a day plan. If weight gainers are being used to replace a meal, it is recommended to consume using half servings. Weight gainers for post-workout recovery should be drunk within the hour after a workout. This maximizes absorption and uptake of the nutrients.


Weight gainers come in powder forms that mix in a blender or shaker with water or milk to make a shake. Use milk to add additional calories to your shake, otherwise just use water. Weight gainers should be used with whole food meals to ensure the body receives a completely balanced nutritional diet. Now-a-days, different mass gainers with different flavors are available in the market.  But, consult a health counselor or doctor before consumption. Whey protein comparatively takes lesser time to digest than casein protein.

User review:

  •  I had muscle mass along with fat over it, wanted a product dat helps me enhance d muscle wdout incrsng fat %, after readng d specs I planned to buy this product. And now I just can't xprs my xcitmnt, cz it gave me exactly wat I needed, awesomest muscle growth wdout adding dat extra fat, incredible increase in biceps, chest and every muscle.every time I hit d gym,my stamina and strength just gets doubled.
  • Best taste. Improved my performance. And I can see muscle gain as well after been using for two weeks now. I would surely take more of this product in future. I take 3 scoops daily post workout.

ON (Optimum Nutrition) Natural 100% Oats & Whey

Oats and whey are fundamental elements of an athlete's diet. Naturally low in sugar, Oats supply slow-burning complex carbohydrates and hunger-filling dietary fibre. Whey proteins are readily digested and provide considerable amounts of essential amino acids (EAAs) - especially the three branched chain amino acids (BCAAs).

Optimum nutrition's natural 100 percent oats and whey combines the benefits of these nutritional powerhouses in a smooth, drinkable shake that's quick to prepare and equally easy to clean up after. Each serving of optimum nutrition natural oats and whey packs in 24 grams of all-whey protein and as much fibre as a big bowl of oatmeal. Better yet, it tastes great, and it goes down easy. As the name suggests, Natural 100 percent oats and whey is free of artificial flavours, sweeteners and synthetic colours. So naturally, it's great for breakfast, after workouts and any time that you're looking for an on-the-go meal.
Oats and whey are fundamental elements of an athlete's diet. Naturally low in sugar, oats supply slow-burning complex carbohydrates and hunger-filling dietary fiber. Whey proteins are readily digested and provide considerable amounts of essential amino acids, especially the three branched chain amino acids (BCAAs). Optimum Nutrition's Natural 100% Oats & Whey combines the benefits of these nutritional powerhouses in a smooth, drinkable shake that's quick to prepare and equally easy to clean up after. Each serving packs in 24 grams of all-whey protein and as much fiber as a big bowl of oatmeal. Better yet, it tastes great, and it goes down easy. As the name suggests, Natural 100% Oats & Whey is free of artificial flavors and sweeteners. 

Product details

  • Helps in the development of lean muscles

  • Aids in weight loss by keeping you full for long

    How to use: 

    The best results can be seen when Whey protein is consumed in the morning, after a workout. If you exercise regularly, it may be best to consume a Whey protein shake immediately following a workout. A report published by the National Strength and Conditioning Association recommends consuming at least 15g of protein after each workout.

    MuscleTech NitroTech Performance Series

    MuscleTech NitroTech Performance Series is a protein-rich supplement enriched with creatine and amino acids. It consists of proteins derived from whey protein isolate, which contains highest portion of pure proteins. Its rich ingredients can help in the development of your muscles. It consists of creatine, an amino acid that helps in gaining enhanced strength and muscle volume fast.

    Due to the presence of creatine in this supplement, you gain more strength than regular whey proteins. It increases your overall workout intensity, thereby helping you gain high level of muscles.

    MuscleTech NitroTech Performance consists of a muscle-building compound called creatine, which helps you gain lean muscle mass and increases your overall workout performance, thereby helping you gain desired results. It increases your muscle stamina and helps your muscles recover fast from heavy exercise sessions.

    Nitrotech is a scientifically engineered whey isolate lean muscle builder formula designed for all athletes who are looking for more muscle, more strength and better performance.

    Product Details:
    • Formulated with creatine and amino acids for muscles development
    • Helps in strengthening your muscles
    • Energises your body post workout
    • Helps in speedy recovery from muscle soreness and fatigue

    How to use?

    You can consume it early in the morning to supply pure amino acids to your muscles. This strengthens your muscles and keeps you energetic all day. Consuming advanced whey protein before workouts renders you the energy required to perform better at the gym. It supplies protein to your muscles and prepares them for heavy workouts. It also prevents the breakdown of muscle tissues during exercise.

    If you consume advanced whey protein after workouts, you can derive the most benefits out of it. Post workout, it helps you gain the energy lost and repairs the damaged muscles fast. Since it is a fast-digesting protein, it helps in the speedy recovery of muscle tissues from fatigue and soreness caused due to heavy workouts.

    The requirement of advanced whey varies from person to person. It depends upon the amount of physical work you get indulged in.

    For beginners, 1 scoop of advanced whey protein (30-35 g per scoop) is sufficient in a day to derive its benefits. Less consumption is essential to make the body’s internal system adjust to this protein supplement and further avoid any side effects.

    For intermediates, 1-2 scoops (30-35 g per scoop) are sufficient to derive its potent benefits.

    For advanced level bodybuilders, up to 3 scoops (30-35 g per scoop) are necessary to get the desired workout results.